Being a stay-at-home mom is a full-time job, and finding the perfect balance between self-care, child care, and household tasks can be challenging.
But fear not because I’ve got you covered!
In this blog post, I’ll share my comprehensive stay-at-home mom schedule (plus a free printable!) to help you master your day and ensure everyone in the family thrives.
So grab a cup of coffee, and let’s get into my daily schedule!
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Key Takeaways
- Create a balanced routine that includes alone time, child care, fun with your kiddo, and household tasks.
- Prioritize sleep, meal prepping, and making daily to-do lists for stress reduction.
- Encourage independent play times and practice self-care when feeling overwhelmed.
Stay-At-Home Mom Schedule Printable
To help you stay organized and plan your daily routines, I’ve created a home mom schedule template for you to use.
This stay-at-home mom schedule printable serves as a helpful guide to structure your day and ensure a balanced routine that includes self-care, child care, and household tasks.
Feel free to adapt and modify it to suit your family’s unique needs and preferences.
Stay-At-Home Mom Schedule
A balanced stay-at-home mom schedule is crucial to ensure your days run smoothly and you maintain your sanity.
A well-structured routine allows you to prioritize self-care, child care, and household tasks while leaving room for flexibility to deal with life’s surprises.
So, let’s break down your day into manageable time blocks, starting with your morning routine:
Morning Routine- Alone Time, Just Mom! (6:00 – 7:00 am)
- Walk/ Workout
- Coffee
- Empty Dishwasher
- Start a load of wash
Begin your stay-at-home mom schedule with a morning routine that focuses on you before the children awaken; it’s beneficial for your mental well-being.
Use this time to plan your day, practice self-care, or indulge in a hobby.
Whether it’s a morning workout, meditation, or simply sipping your coffee in peace, prioritizing self-care sets the tone for a more balanced day.
If you’re not a morning person by nature, consider setting a consistent sleep routine and waking up just a bit earlier to enjoy some quiet moments for yourself.
With some determination, early mornings, and these strategies, you’ll soon become an early bird.
Kiddo’s Morning Routine (7:00 – 9:00 am)
- Quiet play
- Breakfast
- Get ready for school
Once you’ve savored your alone time, shift your focus to your children’s morning routine and getting them up and ready.
I have a free toddler schedule you can use to give you some structure for your morning and daily routine, but here’s the gist for what I do with my girls.
Here are some steps to follow:
- Ensure they have a balanced breakfast.
- Help them get dressed.
- Help them brush their teeth and wash their faces.
- Talk about the day and what the plans were/what you’re looking forward to.
- Tell them what’s planned for dinner and what household chores you want done.
If your morning routine involves getting your child ready for school, ensure they’re prepared and leave the house within an hour.
It may take some time, and even prep the night before, to get everything ready and get them out the door on time.
Once the school drop-off is done, you can return home and focus on your morning chores and spending time with any kiddos still at home.
A Morning Jaunt & Running Errands (9:00 am – 12:00 am)
- Grocery pickup
- Library
- Playground
- Kid activities
- Snack
Right after kids wake up and get ready for the day, the morning hours are an opportune time to step out and complete errands.
From grocery shopping to doctor’s appointments, knocking these tasks out in the morning helps you get the busy work out of the way.
This also presents a prime opportunity to educate your child about household duties. Involving them in daily tasks helps you get things done and teaches them valuable life skills.
Once the errands are done, take your child to the library or local park for some outdoor playtime and exploration to have fun afterward.
Fresh air and exercise offer numerous benefits for you and your child, including improved motor skills, cognitive abilities, and overall well-being.
For crappy days that keep us indoors, engage your child in fun and educational activities like puzzles, coloring, or sensory games.
Lunch Break (12:00 – 1:00 pm)
12-1 LUNCH
- Make lunch
- Clean up
Lunchtime is a crucial component of your routine to get your energy back up and get past the middle hump of the day.
A balanced diet is crucial for everyone’s well-being, so include plenty of fruits and veggies in your meals.
Prepare a balanced meal for you and your child to fill your body and mind. And don’t worry about elaborate meals; there’s plenty to do that works for you.
Some days, for us, that means chicken patties and salad or just a big bowl of mac and cheese with strawberries on the side.
Take lunchtime as a time to relax and enjoy each other’s company. Talk about what you’ve done today, and see how everyone’s feeling.
Nap Time Or Quiet/Independent Play Time (1:00 – 3:00 pm)
- Clean
- Organize
- Work
- Quiet time
Following lunch, your child should nap or engage in quiet, independent playtime, depending on their age and sleep needs.
Nap time revitalizes your kiddo for the day and allows you to focus on personal tasks or enjoy a moment of peace.
To ensure successful nap times, set a consistent schedule, create a relaxing environment, and be patient as your child adjusts to the routine.
For older children who no longer nap, encourage quiet activities like coloring, reading, or building with blocks.
While your child naps or plays quietly, seize the opportunity to work on your to-do list, exercise, or have time alone.
Remember that taking care of yourself is just as important as caring for your kids in your daily schedule, so don’t hesitate to indulge in activities that recharge and rejuvenate you.
Afternoon Together (3:00 – 5:00 pm)
- Snack
- Tech time
When the afternoon arrives, and we’re done with nap time, reconnect with your child and participate in entertaining activities together.
From arts and crafts to outdoor play, the possibilities are endless to create a fun afternoon that engages both of you.
Use this time to bond with your child while also helping them develop important skills and learn new things.
You can also include educational activities during this time, such as:
- Practicing math
- Reading
- Exploring science experiments
- Learning a new language
- Trying memory games (the Frozen memory game is a fan favorite here!!)
Don’t forget that a few chores can also be a part of your afternoon activities, especially cleaning up for the night and getting things ready for tomorrow.
Encourage your child to lend a hand with tasks like folding laundry or tidying up their toys.
Involving them in daily chores helps you and teaches them responsibility and valuable life skills.
Dinner Prep & Eat (5:00 – 6:00 pm)
- Make
- Clean up
As the day concludes, begin to prepare and savor dinner together. Focus on healthy meals that are easy to prepare, and consider involving your child in the dinner prep process.
This helps you in the kitchen and teaches them valuable skills, such as following recipes and understanding measurements.
Sharing a meal as a family provides an opportunity for quality time and connection, making the perfect end to a busy day.
Need help getting meals planned and ready? Check out my Monthly Meal Planner, with printables to get daily and weekly meals on the books to make nights smoother.
Family Evening (6:00 – 7:00 pm)
- Family time
- Family walk
- Family games
- Reading together
- Kid activities
Post-dinner, unwind with a few family evening activities to enjoy a little more time together before bed.
Whether it’s playing games, watching a movie, reading a book, or spending time outdoors, these moments help strengthen your bonds and create memories.
Encourage activities that engage everyone and foster communication and cooperation, such as board games or team sports.
Incorporating technology into your family evenings can also be beneficial if used wisely and in moderation.
Just don’t do activities that wind up the kids before bed- somehow, that happens with us and Hungry Hungry Hippos. Cross things off the list that keep them wild and free at night (haha).
Kiddos’ Night Routine (7:00 – 8:00 pm)
- Bath/Showers
- Books
- Beds
A steady bedtime routine is vital for your child’s well-being, assisting them to relax and be ready for a sound sleep.
Establish a routine that includes activities like:
- Bath time
- Brushing teeth
- Reading a bedtime story
- Saying goodnight
Creating a calm atmosphere and setting boundaries for bedtime can help prevent delays and ensure a smoother transition to sleep.
Time For Mom/Couples (8:00 – 11:00 pm)
- Couple time
- Recharge time
- Electronic time
- Reading
- Bed
Once the children are in bed, shift your focus to personal time and your relationship.
Spend valuable time with your partner, practice self-care, or explore personal interests that make you happy.
Whether it’s catching up on your favorite shows, reading a book, or enjoying a bubble bath, this is your time to unwind and recharge.
Remember, maintaining a balanced routine as a stay-at-home mom also means caring for your well-being.
Part of your stay-at-home mom schedule should include time for you to relax after a long, busy day! Ensure you get enough rest to tackle the next day with energy and enthusiasm.
Tips To Make A Smooth Routine
Now that a sample schedule is available, here are some suggestions to help you craft a seamless and efficient daily routine.
Implementing the right strategies will help you stay organized and maintain a balanced routine that benefits the entire family.
Prep Snacks & Meals
For busy stay-at-home moms, meal prepping is a transformative practice. Preparing snacks and meals in advance can save you time and reduce stress during the week.
Here’s how I get meal prepping done:
- Plan your meals for the week on Saturdays (use the Monthly Meal Planner to help with meal ideas and get easy printable templates!).
- Check sales ads and shop for the ingredients on Sunday- don’t forget to get discounts and cash back.
- Cook in batches on Sundays; involve the whole family to get it done faster and teach your kids about cooking!
Meal prepping makes meal times quicker on busy nights and helps you maintain a balanced diet for your family.
Make To-Do Lists Each Day
I’m a list kind of lady- I need a list to ensure I get the important stuff done!
Drafting daily to-do lists is a straightforward but effective method to remain organized and assign priority to tasks.
This will help you stay focused and ensure you don’t overlook any important responsibilities.
Here are easy steps to plan your to-do list:
- Write down everything you need to accomplish each day.
- Allocate specific time slots for each task- add a little extra time in case distractions come up!
- Involve your kiddos in some to-do list items, like household chores to tidy their rooms or put away toys.
Be flexible and adjust your schedule as needed, as unexpected events or interruptions may occur.
Set Aside Time For You
Self-care is as paramount as caring for your family- if you’re not feeling your best, your stay-at-home mom schedule and all other things don’t come to fruition.
Prioritizing your well-being will benefit you, set a positive example for your children, and help you maintain a balanced routine.
Set aside time each day for you and your personal interests, whether exercising, reading, or pursuing a hobby.
Prioritize Sleep
A healthy and balanced routine always includes a good night’s sleep for you and your children.
Prioritizing sleep will benefit your child’s development and overall well-being and help you stay energized and focused throughout the day.
Establish consistent sleep and wake times to help regulate your child’s internal clock and create a relaxing bedtime routine that encourages sleep.
Encourage Solo Play Times
Promoting individual playtime for your children provides you with a break and also aids their development of independence and creativity.
By allowing your child the freedom to play independently, you’re fostering their sense of autonomy and supporting their cognitive, social, and emotional development.
Set up a designated play area and provide age-appropriate activities for your child to explore on their own during their free play sessions.
Use Other Schedules
If things get a bit chaotic, you can get other printables to track your time and efforts.
I created hourly schedule templates to help plan things between my husband and me, and it helps to juggle the girls’ activities.
They’re free and easy to fill in and stick on the wall to keep track of plans!
How many hours a day does a stay-at-home mom work?
Stay-at-home moms typically work an average of 98 hours a week, or around 14 hours a day.
According to surveys, they usually start at 6:23 am and end the day at 8:31 pm with the kids, with only 1.7 hours of free time in between.
What is a helpful stay-at-home mom routine I can follow?
A helpful stay-at-home mom routine should include a balance of self-care, child care, and household tasks.
Here is a suggested routine:
- Wake-up and bedtime schedules: up at 7 am and in bed at 8 pm
- Snack times and meal times: breakfast at 8 am, lunch at 12 pm, and dinner at 5 pm, with snacks in the morning and afternoon
- Allocate time for household tasks and running errands: starting at 9 am, get them out of the way early
- Set aside time for quality time with the kids: morning and afternoon, plus some time before bed
Make sure to be flexible and prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency- holidays, birthdays, and school events will change things up as your kiddos grow.
What do stay-at-home moms do during the day?
Contrary to most beliefs, stay-at-home moms don’t ‘do nothing’ all day. There’s a lot that gets done around the house that not everybody realizes!
Stay-at-home moms typically:
- Take care of the kids
- Do household tasks such as cleaning, cooking, and laundry
- Focus on nurturing and caring for their children
- Teach important life skills
- Maintain their own well-being
How do I follow a routine with a toddler/baby at home?
Following a routine with a toddler/baby at home requires flexibility, realistic expectations, and consistency.
Establish a daily schedule that includes meal times, naps, playtime, and bedtime routines.
My schedule above has worked with both our girls as infants and toddlers, with some changes depending on life events and school for my oldest.
Be patient as your child adjusts to the routine, and adapt as you go.
What should I do as a stay-at-home mom when my kids are at school part-time/full-time?
When your kids are at school part-time or full-time, you can use this time to:
- Pursue personal interests
- Complete household tasks
- Start a work-from-home career
- Maintain a balanced routine
- Run errands
- Volunteer
- Engage in learning and personal development activities
What do I do if we’re behind schedule?
If you’re behind schedule, prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency, be flexible, and adjust your schedule as needed.
Break down larger tasks into smaller steps- small pieces can be more manageable and fit back into your schedule.
Seek support from family and friends to lighten the load, and remember that being behind schedule doesn’t ruin the day.
Chores can get done at different times, and work those plans into a different time or day.
How do I get through the tantrums and feeling overwhelmed?
To manage tantrums and overwhelming feelings, practice self-care, seek support from family, friends, or professional resources, and establish a balanced routine.
You can even take time to calm down, read some stay-at-home mom quotes for inspiration, and give yourself a breather to come back stronger and ready t tackle problems.
Routines help kids with consistency and knowing what to expect besides what is also expected of them. That’s why I have a kids routine chart, too!
Be patient, understanding, and consistent with your child’s routine, and give yourself permission to take breaks and ask for help when needed.
What if I’m a working mom, caring for the kids at home during the day? How do I fit my work schedule into my mom schedule?
Like me, some of you may be a working mom with work hours during your daily schedule.
I have a very flexible job running this blog, so how you incorporate work depends on your expected hours and job duties.
I tend to set aside some work time during nap time, tech time in the afternoon, and my me time in the evening after bed.
Here’s an example:
If you’re a proofreader working 5 hours a day, you can set aside the first hour of your day, 2 hours at nap time, 1 hour in the afternoon, and one hour after the kiddos go to bed.
If you need to work more than that, you can plan activities for your kids to do while you work so they can have fun even though you can’t actively spend time together.
My Thoughts
Mastering your day as a mom is achievable with a balanced stay-at-home mom schedule that prioritizes self-care, child care, and household tasks.
My stay-at-home mom schedule shows you how I do things at home, balancing errands, fun activities, cleaning, and more.
It takes time and effort to get it all together, but soon, your routine can be a well-oiled machine, too!
Following the tips and strategies discussed in this blog post, you can create a structured yet flexible routine that benefits the entire family.
Remember, don’t forget to carve out time for yourself and your interests besides all the chores and activities for your kids.
Embrace the journey as a stay-at-home mom, and enjoy the precious moments with your children.